Workshop on Hospital-based Register for Fistula Management Held

A workshop on the “Design and Development of a Hospital-Based Register for Fistula Management” took place at the icddr,b HIV conference room. Experts discussed the challenges of fistula management and the need for a national register to track cases effectively at the workshop.

Dr Sayeba Akhter inaugurated the workshop, highlighting the difficulties of identifying fistula patients across the country. She emphasised the urgent need for a national fistula register to improve patient identification and care. After presenting the current practices in fistula reporting and identifying the absence of a standardised system for documenting fistula-related variables in the DHIS2 platform, Dr Shafiqul Ameen, introduced a methodology to develop a hospital-based register aimed at streamlining fistula management and reporting.

Dr Azizul Alim pointed out the significance of accurate documentation, aligning with the national goal of eradicating fistula by 2030. “Accurate records of cases and treatments are essential for reaching this goal” he noted, emphasising the dual importance of case sheets and registers for effective documentation. Discussions also covered plans to digitalise the register, integrating it with digital health services in the future.

Participants further recommended adding more fistula-specific variables to existing gynaecological records to enhance data accuracy and comprehensiveness. Representatives from DGHS, OGSB, UNICEF, Dhaka Medical College, Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College, Kumudini Women's Medical College, Delta Medical College Hospital, Popular Medical College, LAMB Hospital, MAMM'S Institute of Fistula and Women's Health were present at the workshop. The workshop concluded with gratitude expressed by Dr Sayeba Akhter and Dr Azizul Alim for the participantsʼ active involvement and insightful contributions.

Major Attendees (chronology as appeared in the news):

Dr Sayeba Akhter, Professor and CEO, MAMM'S Institute of Fistula and Women's Health

Dr Md. Azizul Alim, Programme Manager, Maternal Health, MNC&AH, DGHS

Dr Shafiqul Ameen, Assistant Scientist, MCHD, icddr,b