
Sexual and reproductive health and rights of female garment workers living in five urban slums of Bangladesh

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Principal Investigator: Dr Ruchira Tabassum Naved

Study Design: Cohort Study

Theme: Gynecological Issues & Sexual Health

Targeted population group:

Study duration: Dec-2021 - Mar-2025

Study sites: Baliakandi

Study status: On Going

Study Overview

With the objective to assess the current situation in SRHR among FGWs in terms of family planning, first conception, unwanted pregnancy and abortion, STIs/RTIs, and intimate partner and workplace violence, a 30-months long mixed-method longitudinal prospective cohort study is running. We are assessing current SRHR situation, positive and negative changes in SRHR over the study period among the FGWs, and the drivers of the changes. This study is running in three slums (Dhaka North - Korail and Mirpur; and Gazipur - Tongi) at icddr,b’s Urban Health and Demographic Surveillance Site in greater Dhaka among 768 currently married FGWs aged 15-27. A total of 50 In-depth Interviews (IDIs) with unmarried and married FGWs and their husbands and 6 Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with mother-in-laws/mothers of FGWs, NGO workers, community health workers, etc. are being planned to conduct.

Study Team Photo