Introducing Well-being Corner for women during antepartum and postpartum period to increase access to mental health services: An implementation research in health facility
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Principal Investigator: Aniqa Tasnim Hossain
Study Design: Innovations from Young Researchers/ PoC
Theme: Maternal & Neonatal Health
Targeted population group:
Study duration: Oct-2022 - Mar-2024
Study sites: Dinajpur, Netrokona
Study status: On Going
About half of the Bangladeshi mothers have common mental health issues, causing preterm birth, poor mother-child bonding, and even infants' cognitive development. Most of the mental healthcare facilities are clustered around urban area, while rural women do not have access to the mental healthcare in Bangladesh. Moreover, the stigma and misconception regarding mental illness exist and there is a significant scarcity of awareness of mental health in Bangladeshi rural society. Since maternal mental distress among these rural mothers may cause adverse maternal and child health outcome, appropriate interventions are needed to address maternal mental distress among Bangladeshi maternal population. To date, no implementation research has been conducted on improvement of the mental health of mothers during antepartum and postpartum period by minimising access to mental healthcare gaps and enhancing awareness among the mother. Therefore, in this study, we trying to improve the mental wellbeing of mother during antenatal and postnatal period by increasing awareness and access to mental healthcare by establishing a Well-being Corner in primary and secondary level health facilities and assess the implementation aspects of the Well-being Corner.