
Design, Development and feasibility of Health

  • 0 Trainings
  • 0 Workshops

Principal Investigator: Ahmed Ehsanur Rahman

Study Design: Innovation Testing

Theme: Maternal & Neonatal Health

Targeted population group:

Study duration: Oct-2023 - Mar-2025

Study sites: Dhaka

Study status: On Going

Study Overview

Bangladesh has a pluralistic health system, and the market share of the for-profit private sector is increasing gradually and alarmingly. This is particularly true for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH), including SRH. There is a lack of evidence on the most effective techniques for improving the quality of private sector services. However, one popular method is bringing the healthcare providers under a common network, linking them with the healthcare beneficiaries social franchising, an organisational model that uses commercial franchising principles for socially beneficial purposes. We propose to establish a platform named HealthAdvisors.Com, a social franchise network of private healthcare providers offering health services through a digital marketplace. An online platform (web-based and android app) will be created to link the private healthcare providers with health beneficiaries.

Study Team Photo