
Dynamics of chemsex among men who have sex with men (MSM), male sex workers (MSW), and transgender women in urban Bangladesh and formulating an intervention model: A multiphase sequential mixed method research

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Principal Investigator: Golam Sarwar

Study Design: Innovations from Young Researchers/ PoC

Theme: Key Population

Targeted population group:

Study duration: Oct-2022 - Oct-2023

Study sites: Dhaka

Study status: On Going

Study Overview

This study aims to understand and explore the overall dynamics of chemsex among MSM, MSW and hijra in Dhaka, Bangladesh and to formulate culturally relevant, context-specific, gender-sensitive and evidence-based recommendations for chemsex interventions. This is a sequential, exploratory mixed methods study, which is being conducted at four selected HIV prevention intervention service delivery points. During phase 1 (formative phase), we are generating evidence through extensive literature review and qualitative methods. In phase 2, we are going to conduct a cross-sectional survey among 458 participants in four HIV prevention service centers in Dhaka city: Badda, Darussalam, Jatrabari and Uttara. In phase 3 (explanatory phase), qualitative interviews will be conducted to add qualitative depth to survey responses and explore possible explanations, and investigate service provision for people engaging in chemsex. Based on the findings of all three phases, the chemsex intervention model will be developed through a series of intervention design workshops.

Study Team Photo