Psychological distress and sexual health concerns among gender and sexually diverse people: Developing a culture sensitive intervention model
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Principal Investigator: Saiba jannat
Study Design: Innovations from Young Researchers/ PoC
Theme: Key Population
Targeted population group:
Study duration: Dec-2022 - May-2024
Study sites: Dhaka
Study status: On Going
Considering the evolving paradigm of sexual health, SRHR interventions for gender and sexual diverse population (e.g. MSM, Hijra and MSW) are mostly centered around prevention of HIV and STI in many countries of the world including Bangladesh, thus leaving the psychological and psychosexual dimensions of SRHR issues neglected. Diseases or dysfunction centered research and interventions failed to address the socio-cultural and psychological aspect of sexual health. Without knowing the exact burden and adequate understanding of these kind of problems among these socially marginalised and stigmatised group of people, a comprehensive and culture sensitive SRHR intervention for these highly vulnerable population cannot be designed and implemented. Therefore, we aims to develop an intervention model addressing both psychological distress and sexual health concerns of GSDP by exploring and understanding the socio-cultural factors influencing these two issues and their possible associations. The proposed study is being conducted in two stages, where first stage is generating evidence through extensive desk review and mixed method approach. In the next stage, we are going to develop an intervention model with the help of expert opinions and feedback from relevant stakeholders. The study population has included a total sample size of 467 participants: transgender women (Hijra), MSW and MSM and their female partners who are enrolled in two selected HIV prevention intervention centre (i.e., Badda and Uttara) in Dhaka city, operated by icddr,b under Global Fund project.