Advancing the understanding of pregnancy-related diseases, conditions and complications among first-time pregnant women in rural Bangladesh: a prospective cohort study for assessing the burden and determinants (AdPreDiCCtion)
Understanding the context and needs related to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) among the newlywed couples in selected rural and urban areas of Bangladesh
A pilot study to develop and test of an App: The electronic platform to promote peer communication and facilitate digital capacity-building activities under the schoolbased adolescent health programme in Feni District, Bangladesh
Dynamics of chemsex among men who have sex with men (MSM), male sex workers (MSW), and transgender women in urban Bangladesh and formulating an intervention model: A multiphase sequential mixed method research
iKnow app: A one-stop initiative to decrease workplace abuse through promotion of knowledge, awareness and understanding of workplace incivility (WI), bullying and sexual harassment (SH) in icddr,b
Generating evidence and policy recommendations for safeguarding sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) of transgender people in selected areas of Dhaka city, Bangladesh
Introducing Well-being Corner for women during antepartum and postpartum period to increase access to mental health services: An implementation research in health facility
Piloting of reusable menstrual cup in urban setting: an implementation research to assess feasibility and acceptability of reusable menstrual cup among female menstruators working in ready-made garment factories in Dhaka
Balika bodhu: Addressing denial of sexual and reproductive health and rights to married adolescent girls in a rural area of Bangladesh through empowerment and social norm change
Feasibility and acceptability of self-sampling for HPV testing followed by screening of high-risk cases and treatment of cancerous/precancerous lesions, and follow up of screened women using a cervical screening register in rural Bangladesh